Association of Deaf Jews of France (ASJF)
Association whose purpose is to bring together isolated Jewish deaf people by giving them cultural, religious and other activities.
Currently in France, there are about 1000 deaf Jews in all France. The ASJF association aims to bring them together and give them more accessibility in society. Since 1976, it organizes various activities to get out of isolation especially the elderly.
The following are organized throughout the year:
- Torah studies by religious deaf Jews in the home every Sunday afternoon for all audiences,
- Lectures,
- Events on Jewish religious holidays
- Cultural activities such as film screenings or meetings,
- Cultural outings such as museums related to Judaism or disability,
- Excursions,
- News from Israel or France related to Judaism and disability, proposed activities, Torah lessons in videos, regularly by mail, in the ASJF website and in Facebook ASJF in collaboration with the webmaster
- Full shabbat in group,
- Distribution of aid such as pasa’h packages for example,
- moral and civic help for people who need to avoid facing hardships alone.
- regular accompaniment for elderly people.