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Awareness Foundation

We offer workshops and training for children, teenagers and adults.

The main goal for which the Conscious Foundation was established is the organization of workshops. 

As parents, we face various educational problems every day. After all, there are no perfect families and we know that most parents struggle with this type of problem. What to do when, despite all efforts, reading a dozen or so books on raising children or listening to the golden advice of aunt, uncles or grandmothers, our educational methods do not bring the expected and sometimes even no results?

What to do when our child is paralyzed by fear, is aggressive, does not listen to us, has problems with motivation and concentration at school or behaves strangely and we are simply concerned about his health? What to do if they eat only 3 foods crosswise and we persuade them to try a fruit or a vegetable for hours?

The Conscious Foundation was established as a response to these and other problems.

We gather specialists, conduct talks with parents, analyze the needs and dysfunctions in families in order to adjust the workshop offer to your needs on an ongoing basis.

We want to help you understand where your parenting problems may have come from. What are the reasons for their formation, mechanisms of action and ways of solving them? We would like to support parents and motivate them to act. After all, being a parent is the most important role we have to play in our lives.

It is for you that we conduct workshops in the field of psychoeducation of parents, workshops for people in crisis, healthy eating workshops, motivational workshops and others.

When 1000 questions arise in your mind, your hands fall from helplessness and it is hard to find the right way to solve problems, do not be afraid to ask questions and seek help. After all, the game is about happy children, family, life … Is there anything more important? 

We are open to your suggestions. If you have not found a topic that interests you in our workshop offer, write to us … We will try to find a specialist who will try to help and answer your questions during an individual or group meeting. 

In order to comprehensively help people who are looking for help, we also provide counseling and psychological therapy. After the workshops and a conversation with a psychologist, it often turns out that the problems that some participants reported are not obvious, they often have the so-called “second bottom”, require a deeper analysis by a specialist and a closer look at the system and the environment in which they arose. 

Specialists, psychologists and therapists from the Psyche Center, which operates under the patronage of the foundation, will surely be of help.