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Contemporary Memory Foundation

Created in 1994, the Foundation for Contemporary Memory (Brussels) studies the history of Jews and Judaism in Belgium. It is a privileged partner of the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies of Religions and Secularism (CIERL) of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and is recognized as a Center labeled by the Council for the Transmission of Memory of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It has a documentation center open to all.

The Jewish population of Belgium has always presented contrasting facets. It has testified to a constant fruitfulness in the most diverse fields, from economic initiative to scientific research, from social action to intellectual creation or political commitment. She has known the most different socio-economic situations and has been hit hard by the upheavals of history.


The Contemporary Memory Foundation considers it a duty to perpetuate the memory of what happened without letting its colors tarnish or losing humanity. She wishes to give a voice to the men and women who generally do not have a voice in history. She is very attentive to the tensions, inevitable and fruitful, which appear between the processes of memory and the demands of the historical method, between the dynamics of memory and the critical reconstruction of the past.