Federal Association of the Jewish Religious Communities in Austria (Bundesverband der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinden Österreichs)
The Jewish Community of Vienna
Schools, synagogues, kosher restaurants and shops, mikveh baths, a diverse cultural life and all manner of work with young people: the small Jewish community in Vienna is now regarded as one of the most dynamic in the German-speaking world. The Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (IKG – Jewish Community) of Vienna has nearly 8000 members, while altogether there are around 12,000 Jews living in Vienna. The caesura of the Shoah is not only apparent at every end and turn in inner-city areas, for example in the form of “Stones of Remembrance”. It also decimated the Jewish population tremendously. At the start of the First Republic after the First World War, there were nearly 200,000 Jews living in Vienna.