Jewish Heritage Europe
The original JHE was launched after a major conference on the Future of Jewish Heritage, held in Prague in 2004. The current version was conceived as a follow-up to an important seminar held in Bratislava, Slovakia in March 2009 that discussed the state of Jewish heritage sites in Europe as well as strategies for their restoration, use and upkeep. That seminar, attended by international Jewish heritage experts as well as by representatives from Jewish communities in more than a dozen countries, resulted in a statement of specific “Best Practices” about how to deal with Jewish heritage sites.
Jewish Heritage Europe is an expanding web portal to a wide range of news, information and resources concerning Jewish monuments and heritage sites all over Europe. It is a project of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe (RFHE) and builds on and expands a previous version of the site. JHE thanks and gratefully acknowledges the people who worked so hard on the original site, in particular Dr. Sharman Kadish, Dr. Syd Greenberg, Dr. Samuel D. Gruber and Jon Cannon.