The Holocaust, European Values and Locval History
The project objective is to explore and develop methodologies and tools to introduce an innovative approach in archival practice within the context of archival pedagogy, particularly in smaller local archives, with aim to empower and train archivists to identify, promote, make available and safeguard important Holocaust -related materials by creating own educational outreach programs based on local materials and local history, and incorporate archival pedagogy in their long-term approach and activities.
Partners from Serbia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Germany and Austria, as well as project participants from Israel, UK, US, Greece and the Netherlands, will exchange best practices, and support 5 archives in Vojvodina province in Serbia with aim to empower and train local archivists:
1. To identify important archival records according to two criteria:
– the IHRA’s working definition of holocaust-related materials
– materials with a particular value/potential for use in education
2. To use these local materials to create educational outreach programs focusing on local history,
3. To permanently incorporate these educational outreach programs as part of archive’s everyday activities and tasks, and make them available for visitors, local and international audiences.
These experiences will be compiled in the final project publication, and used for future implementation of similar programs in local archives in other parts of Europe, particularly South-East and East Europe.
The project is developed by Terraforming and The Archives of Vojvodina from Novi Sad, Serbia.