Mapping the Holocaust – Preservation the Topovske Supe camp
Holocaust Mapping – Preservation of the Toposve Supe Camp is a scientific research project of the Center for Public History, which aims at presenting to the public the history of the Topovske Supe (Cannon Sheeds) camp. The project team intends to conduct a historiographical survey of the camp, map the location and document the current situation in order to permanently preserve the memory of the camp and the victims of the camp. Historiographical research consists of collecting archival material in archives in Serbia and Germany, interviews, creating a database of camp victims and publishing the results on the project’s website. In order to raise the awareness of the domestic and international public, the project team launched an public campaign to protect the memory of the victims of the camp as the first step towards the construction of a permanent memorial to the Toposve Supe. All project results are in the form of a web platform and thus are available to the general public, in Serbian and English.