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 founded in Thessaloniki as a partnership of organizations, collectives and individuals in the spring of 2013 and already has in its assets a judicial success (case of racist behavior of an OASTH driver), while it has highlighted other cases of racist violence in the greater Thessaloniki area. After the recent election results (May 2014), all of us who participate in it call on all citizens and collectives to be on constant alert for possible incidents that affect the scope of NA.F.TH.A. so that the legal response to them is really immediate and to spread its existence everywhere.

The following is a brief description of NAFTHA’s objectives and operation.

The immediate act against racist violence is the cooperation of groups and individuals with the aim of defending our city from neo-Nazi practices that are spreading.

By neo-Nazi practices  we mean incidents of criminal acts or acts of violence or degrading and degrading treatment of people who are targeted because of their ethnicity, color, gender, political or religious beliefs, disability, or sexual orientation.

The goals of NA.F.TH.A. is :

  • Timely identification and investigation of incidents of racist violence – degrading treatment
  • Legal and moral support for victims
  • Appeal to the competent authorities for their institutional treatment
  • Public denunciation of the incidents
  • Networking and coordination of individuals and groups for organized joint action