The Austrian Archives for Exile Studies
The Austrian Archives for Exile Studies, founded in 1993 within the Literaturhaus Wien, documents the life and work of Austrian writers and artists who were forced into exile or immigration after 1933/38. Its holdings represent the largest and most eminent collection on this subject in Austria.
The main foci of the archives and library are literature, theater, journalism, music, the fine arts, cultural studies and publishing history. The archives also document aspects of daily life in exile.
The Austrian Archives for Exile Studies is an archive, a library, an organizer of public events, and an information center for researchers, journalists, students, and other interested individuals as well as for the surviving exiled artists themselves and their families and descendants.
Click here to learn about the Archives’ history or to view selected literature about the Austrian Archives for Exile Studies.
In 2004, the work of the Austrian Archives for Exile Studies was honoured with an award from the Dr. Karl Renner Foundation of the City of Vienna.