The “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre
In 1990, a group of enthusiasts walked into the derelict ruin which the Grodzka Gate was at the time. The first NN Theatre premiere took place on 11th May.
From then on, the Grodzka Gate and its neighbouring tenement houses have become completely renovated, and in 1998 the theatre was renamed the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre. Currently the Centre’s acrivities are spread between three locations: the Grodzka Gate, the Underground Trail (Tribunal) and the House of Words (Żmigród Street). All of these places are connected through their mission of telling the history of Lublin.
To better understand the genesis of the “Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre” Centre’s activities, one must keep in mind that the location of the Grodzka Gate is directly in the centre of where the Lublin Jewish quarter once had been.