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NOA National Conference – Hungary


The NOA National Conference is a day dedicated to understanding the results, lessons, measures and experiences in addressing, preventing and fighting antisemitism in Hungary, based on the findings of the NOA Report Cards research.  The event will highlight the strengths to build upon while acknowledging weaknesses and opportunities for further action. The participants will include Hungary policy-makers and policy-influencers from different fields and perspectives. As part of NOA’s vision is to develop further appreciation for the Jewish contribution to an inclusive and democratic Europe from history through today, the event will also offer a locally-rooted Jewish contemporary cultural experience with the “Itt és Most Társulat”. 

Aims of the event is to facilitate long-term engagement across the spectrum of stakeholders on preventing, addressing and countering antisemitism, including governmental and non-governmental perspectives and to holistically consider the current state of the Hungarian policy framework on preventing, addressing and countering antisemitism, based upon existing international standards, and the results of the NOA research. The event also hopes to provide a lived experience that helps to digest the findings from the National Report Card research and convert them into insights for future actions.

Please use the web link above to register your attendance, we will follow-up with more information and the detailed agenda.
