Come In!
The federal model project is aimed at visitors to the Boomerang Youth Media Center in the Sonnenberg district of Chemnitz. Many grow up with multiple social problems and come from poorly educated, socially dependent households that tend to right-wing ideologies. Your contact with the majority society is limited to the specialist staff in schools, youth clubs and other social institutions. GMF language, fear of everything foreign, and aggressiveness are common. The cultural techniques necessary for democratic coexistence are often not mastered, and democratic values are not taught in families.
Come in! therefore combines socio-educational and radicalization preventive approaches and would like to invite the children to discover the advantages of a democratic society for themselves. We work strictly low-threshold, do not require any prior knowledge or specific convictions, but pick up the children where they are. Our methods have to work in open youth work, ie be quick, attractive and experience-oriented. We want to help the children develop into self-confident and responsible democrats who can stand up for their own interests and those of the community.
We cooperate with the Dresden University of Applied Sciences as a research project partner and work with schools and youth work organizations in the neighborhood. The conception, coordination and implementation of the project take place in the JugendMedienZentrum Bumerang.