Radio stations- program against antisemitism
Radio Temps Rodez and LE CRI (collective of free radio stations in Occitanie) is committed with the Region on the day against racism and antiSemitism. The 5 CRLO territories are committed to 5 hours of broadcast programs on November 7 between 10 am and 5 pm 12 category A frequencies and our web radios met to prepare the broadcasting of these special programs aimed at young people. With the help of a professional team from the world of radio, the young people will reflect, debate and question themselves on the issue of racism and anti-Semitism through the creation of a series of interviews
TERRITORY 1 Hérault – Keeping the Critical Spirit
TERRITORY 2 Haute Garonne – Stop Racisme: les waves s ” mix
TERRITORY 3 Gers – Racism: insult to humanity
TERRITORY 4 Aveyron – Ambient antisemitism
TERRITORY 5 PO – In the footsteps of migrations in Occitania