Documentation Center Topography of terror
The Topography of Terror Foundation was established on January 28, 1992 by the Berlin Senate as a dependent foundation under public law. With the Foundation Act of April 8, 1995, it was constituted as an independent foundation.
The purpose of the Topography of Terror Foundation is to impart historical knowledge about National Socialism and its crimes as well as to encourage active discussion of this history, including its consequences after 1945. Furthermore, the Foundation assumes an advisory role for the country on relevant issues Berlin. In addition to the Board of Trustees, the foundation’s committees include an international advisory board and a working committee to which Berlin experts are appointed. The Topography of Terror Foundation emerged from a temporary exhibition project on the occasion of Berlin’s 750th anniversary in 1987. Its establishment and the political decision to establish a documentation center are the result of a long-standing public opinion process. The continuous civic engagement of numerous groups and individuals played an essential role in the process.