Egalitarian Jewish Chawurah Gescher e.V. Freiburg
The community emphasizes that lively, open Judaism is not synonymous with Judaism made easy, but is constantly being revived through the dynamic process of dealing with the Holy Scriptures, meet the individual’s need for meaningful religious identity and activity, inspire our members to make Judaism an essential part of their lives, make a contribution to Jewish diversity, Jewish life in Germany and to Tikkun Olam, the work for a just world.
Religious activities
The community celebrates Jewish festivals and holidays together. Regular services following the traditional schedule in Hebrew and German. Regular visits by rabbis who offer teaching and learning sessions on theological topics in addition to the service. Weekly Torah study that deals with the respective week segment. The community also organizes periodical Workshop Weekends holding weekend seminars on religious and cultural topics.
The Gescher Reading and Film Group deals with literature and films about Judaism. The Gescher choir rehearses once a week, accompanies festivals and public holidays and plans concerts as part of festivals and cultural days.
Concerning cooperation the community maintains close contacts with other liberal Jewish communities in Germany, France and nearby Switzerland. We engage in Jewish-Christian and inter-religious dialogue.