Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia (Serbia Savez Jevrejskih Opština Srbije)
The Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia Represents the Jewish community of Serbia at home and abroad and conducts its assigned tasks to achieve common goals of interest to the entire community. Our community has about 3,300 members.
The head office of the Federation is in Belgrade.
The bodies of the Union are the highest bodies of the Jewish religious and national community in Serbia. The main goals of the Union of Jewish Municipalities of Serbia are:
- Preserving and nurturing the traditions and customs of the Jewish people;
- Fostering Jewish national identity;
- Initiating and supporting activities in the field of Jewish culture and education;
- Creating conditions for getting to know and practice the Jewish faith for all members;
- Active work on the education of children and youth in Heather and Talmud Torah following the basic principles of Jewish faith and tradition;
- “Cedaka” – humanitarian work and social activity based on the principles of Jewish solidarity;
- Confronting the assimilation of the Jewish community, with respect for the religious, national and ethnic rights, traditions and cultures of other nations; opposition to anti-Semitism, racial intolerance and any form of hatred and discrimination, and violation of basic human rights and freedoms;
- Preserving Holocaust Remembrance
- Maintaining special links with the Jewish communities of the surrounding countries, the association of Jews from the former Yugoslavia in Israel, with the State of Israel and other parts of the Jewish people in the world;
- Cooperation with Jewish and other religious, national and humanitarian organizations at home and abroad.
The Jewish community has a developed cultural, educational, religious and social life, which is realized through the institutions of the Federation, with the help of organized permanent groups gathered around common interests and preferences, as well as through previously verified projects.