Fondation Auschwitz Belgium
The Auschwitz Foundation was founded in 1980 by the Belgian Association of former political prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Silesian Camps and Prisons. Its main aim was to study the history and remembrance of Holocaust and Nazi terror, increase awareness of them, and aid in the transmission of their memory and the preservation of related archives. In order to achieve its goals, the Foundation set up a non-profit-making Study and Documentation Center, Remembrance of Auschwitz. The two institutions work together to promote scientific research and multidisciplinary publications with a view to broadening the understanding of the historical processes which led to the coming to power of the Third Reich, to the Holocaust and Nazi terror, while also developing teaching projects intended for the various education sectors in particular, and for society in general.
On 1 April 2010 the Foundation became a Resource Center under the terms of the “Memory” Decree. Both Institutions possess important archival materials, a well-stocked library, and a vast range of audiovisual documentation which is available to the public, particularly to researchers, teachers, students and the young in general.
They carry out their work and projects in a framework which is resolutely multidisciplinary, encompassing all mass crimes committed in the past or in contemporary history
The Auschwitz Foundation has six archive collections:
- Archives of the Belgian Association of former political prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Silesian camps and prisons
- Personal papers of victims of Nazi crimes and genocides
- Archives of the International Auschwitz Committee (IAC)
- Audio recordings of testimony by camp survivors
- Audiovisual testimony by Nazi concentration and extermination camp survivors
- Photo collection