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Maceva- Litvak Cemetary Catalogue

We are small group of dedicated individuals involved in maintaining and documenting, through photographs, the last remaining Jewish cemeteries in Lithuania.

Our volunteers have spent much of their personal time and resources on this effort, sometimes even taking their children along while working on a cemetery, or using part of their vacation. What you see on this website is the collective effort of these dedicated volunteers. Despite this tremendous effort and dedication, we realized that if we want to achieve more and progress further, enthusiasm alone is not enough.

In August, 2011 we registered ‘MACEVA’ (Viešoji įstaiga) as a non-governmental, non-profit organization in Lithuania.

We believe that all descendants of Lithuanian Jews throughout the world, will find valuable information about the resting places of their loved ones. It is this memory that we seek to perpetuate for future generations. We believe that Jewish cemeteries in Lithuania should be preserved, because they are among the physical traces of a rich history of Lithuanian Jews, and an integral part of Lithuanian history and culture. Memory does not have to be anonymous. It depends on you.