Counter-arguments to the classic antisemitic clichés – for easy use in the internet!
Antisemitism must not go unchallenged, regardless of whether it is expressed offline or online. With this tool, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation supports all committed people in speaking out and protesting when they encounter digital antisemitism. Instead of having to write your own response to the same arguments over and over again, everyone can simply refer to the existing posts on the topic.
For each topic, there are different interaction options, such as sharepics. This is an easy way to react to antisemitic content, especially on Facebook and Twitter. Alternatively, it is also possible to refer and link to the texts on their homepage. Here, after a concise, often deliberately provocative text on each topic page, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation also offers an additional text level, which can be unfolded if necessary. Here you will find a more detailed introduction to the topic and further literature.