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Religions for Peace EUROPE


Religions for Peace Europe is a regional chapter of the global organization Religions for Peace. It was established to promote interfaith cooperation and dialogue in Europe. The organization emerged from the World Conference on Religion and Peace held in Kyoto in 1970. Religions for Peace Europe works to address religious tensions, foster understanding, advocate for peace and justice, and promote social cohesion. They engage in interreligious dialogue, advocacy, social engagement, peacebuilding, education, and networking. The organization collaborates with religious communities, governments, and civil society organizations to achieve its goals.


Religions for Peace Europe aim to foster a culture of peace, tolerance, and understanding among religious communities in Europe and contribute to broader efforts for global peace and sustainable development.


  1. Interreligious Dialogue: The organization facilitates interfaith dialogue and cooperation by organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops where religious leaders, scholars, and practitioners can come together to discuss common challenges, share experiences, and promote mutual understanding.
  2. Advocacy for Peace and Justice: Religions for Peace Europe advocates for peace, justice, and human rights. They engage with governments, policymakers, and international organizations to promote policies and initiatives that address the root causes of conflicts, promote reconciliation, and ensure the protection of religious freedom and human rights for all.
  3. Social Engagement: The organization addresses social issues and promotes social cohesion by working on initiatives related to poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and refugee and migration issues. They encourage religious communities to collaborate and contribute to the well-being of their societies.
  4. Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: Religions for Peace Europe supports peacebuilding efforts in conflict-affected regions by facilitating dialogue and cooperation among religious leaders and communities. They work towards fostering trust, reconciliation, and sustainable peace in areas where religious tensions may exist.
  5. Education and Training: The organization emphasizes the importance of education and training in promoting interreligious understanding and cooperation. They develop educational resources, training programs, and capacity-building initiatives to empower religious leaders, youth, and grassroots communities with the skills and knowledge needed for interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding.
  6. Networking and Collaboration: Religions for Peace Europe fosters collaboration among religious communities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. They promote networking opportunities, partnerships, and joint initiatives to strengthen interreligious cooperation and amplify their collective impact.