The Austrian camp community Ravensbrück & Freundinnen
The founding of the Austrian Camp Community Ravensbrück (ÖLGR) took place on May 24, 1947, the official founding ceremony took place in the ballroom of the Old Town Hall in Vienna, at which Ravensbrück survivors from Austria, delegations from abroad and representatives of politics took place were present. The entry in the register of associations only took place at the beginning of 1958.
The founding of the camp community was primarily supported by the “spirit of the camp street”, according to which party-political and ideological differences had to be refrained from in order to stand together against all forms of fascism, (neo-) Nazism, antisemitism and racism and to help build a democratic social system . The education of the Austrian population and especially the young people about the atrocities of the National Socialist rule, but also about the role of women in the struggle for a free Austria, were essential motives for the union of the “Ravensbrückerinnen”. The ÖLGR was also intended as a contact point for the specific concerns of the returned women and also the survivors of women murdered in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. They should find a solidarity community in the camp community.
Among many other services the Austrian camp community Ravensbrück & Freundinnen supports relatives and friends of Ravensbrück victims in their search for information – either by passing on our own knowledge or by referring them to the appropriate organizations for such a search. If the research remains ineffective, we also publish calls – like the current call below on Anna Burger.