The “Goldstein Goren” Center for Hebrew Studies
Set up in 1998 by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest in cooperation with the “Cukier Goldstein Goren” Foundation of Israel, which is sponsoring its activities on a yearly basis, The “Goldstein Goren” Center for Hebrew Studies is one of the five academic Centers of Jewish Studies bearing the name of the Jewish philanthropist Avram Goldstein Goren, the other four being hosted by New York University, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva.
The Center offers the following academic programs and research lines, in cooperation with the Faculty of Letters:
- -MA program in Hebrew Culture and Civilization
- -Academic modules coordinated by visiting professors from Romania and from abroad
- -Research programs in Jewish history, philosophy, religion, civilization and arts
- -Training sessions in Holocaust education for history teachers recognized by the Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with Yad Vashem, Israel, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, USC Visual Memory Foundation, Los Angeles, Memorial de la Shoah, Paris, etc.
- -Conferences, seminars, workshops
- -Study and research facilities and scholarships for students and researchers
- -Academic resources – library and data bases
- -Publication of research works
- -Publication of the yearly journal Studia Hebraica, books written by Jewish authors and volumes about Jewish issues or personalities
- -Assistance for PhD programs in the field of literature and philosophy.