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The Mauthausen Committee Austria (MKO)

Origins :

The MKÖ was founded in 1947 by former prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp and individuals committed to remembering the victims and fighting against fascism. Its establishment coincided with the closure of the Mauthausen camp. The Mauthausen Committee Austria (MKÖ) is an organization based in Austria that is dedicated to preserving the memory of the victims of the Mauthausen concentration camp and promoting human rights, democracy, and tolerance. 

Aims : 

The MKÖ’s primary objectives include commemorating the victims of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its satellite camps, promoting historical education, combating fascism, racism, and discrimination, and advocating for human rights, democracy, and tolerance.

Actions :

Memorial Events: The MKÖ organizes annual memorial events to commemorate the victims of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its satellite camps. These events include memorial ceremonies, remembrance gatherings, and commemorations held at the former camp site and other related locations. 

Exhibitions and Documentation: The MKÖ develops exhibitions and documentation projects to preserve the historical memory of the Mauthausen camp. These exhibitions aim to educate the public about the Holocaust, the atrocities committed, and the experiences of survivors. They often collaborate with museums, cultural institutions, and educational facilities to host these exhibitions. 

Educational Programs: The MKÖ is actively involved in educational initiatives focused on the Holocaust, human rights, democracy, and tolerance. They work with schools, universities, and educational institutions to provide workshops, lectures, and seminars for students and educators. These programs aim to raise awareness about the consequences of fascism, promote critical thinking, and foster a commitment to human rights and democratic values.

Advocacy and Anti-Fascist Efforts: The MKÖ engages in advocacy activities to combat fascism, racism, and discrimination. They participate in protests, campaigns, and initiatives aimed at raising awareness of contemporary issues related to human rights violations, social justice, and democratic values. The MKÖ actively promotes anti-fascist principles and encourages societal dialogue to challenge extremist ideologies.

International Collaboration: The MKÖ maintains international cooperation with other organizations, institutions, and survivor associations. Through these collaborations, they exchange knowledge and experiences, support joint initiatives, and contribute to the preservation of historical memory on a global scale. This includes participating in international conferences, workshops, and commemorative events.