Union of Jewish Students of Belgium
After the war, about fifty young Belgian Jews founded the Union of Jewish Students of Belgium (UEJB).
Back in Brussels, they set up, from September 1945 to September 1947, the Committee of the Union of Jewish Students of Belgium and the European Committee of the World Union of Jewish Students.
In the years that followed, many young people joined the ranks of the UEJB, encouraged by the creation of the State of Israel and by the new threats of persecution.
Sixty years later, the UEJB is still a free and dynamic organization. It provides assistance to young Jews studying in Belgium, organizes numerous cultural (university conferences, exhibitions, debates, religious festivals) or recreational activities (drinks, annual ball, etc.).
The UEJB fights all forms of extremism, racism or anti-Semitism, in particular by promoting intercultural and inter-religious dialogue.
Today, the UEJB officially represents all Jewish students in Belgium. This Youth Organization has local sections in Brussels, Antwerp, Liège and is developing in Louvain-La-Neuve.
It is a Youth Organization recognized by the French Community and pursues permanent education objectives aimed at developing the responsibilities and personal skills of its members in order to help them become responsible, active, critical and united citizens.
It also offers training and support for its members and its committee.
The UEJB pursues these objectives according to its axes: The duty of memory, the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, Jewish identity, support for students and the creation of meeting spaces as well as relations with its international partners.